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CrossFit INI
4. 11. 2019
WOD 04112019
Weightlifting: E3MOM for 15 min A1) tall kneeling alternated KB/DB Press x20 (10/10) A2) tall kneeling to standing position x10 (5/5)...
CrossFit INI
4. 11. 2019
WOD 01112019
EMOM 30 A - 10x TTB B - 20 sec Ring Dip top position hold C - 30x Lunges D - 40 sec skipping E - 50 sec carry something (SB, KB, Power...
CrossFit INI
4. 11. 2019
WOD 31102019
Metcon: 3 min to row/ski 👨🎤500/👩🏻🎤400 remaining time max burpees Rest 2 min 5 min to row/ski 1km/800m remaining time max strict...
CrossFit INI
4. 11. 2019
WOD 30102019
Gymnastics: A) 5 rounds 10 sec One arm ring row L 10 sec One arm ring row hold L 20 sec rest 10 sec One arm ring row R 10 sec One arm...
CrossFit INI
28. 10. 2019
WOD 28102019
Gymnastics: A) 15sec plank/15sec rest 30sec plank/15sec rest 45sec plank/15sec rest 60sec plank/1min rest 45sec plank/15sec rest 30sec...
CrossFit INI
28. 10. 2019
WOD 25102019
Weightlifting: EMOM 12 A-TGU x1 left B- TGU x1 right C- windmill x10 left D- windmill x10 right Metcon: 00:00-02:00 👨🏻🦱500m/👩🏻400m...
CrossFit INI
28. 10. 2019
WOD 24102019
gymnastics: 5 rounds 20sec Heels Tap on Plate 40sec rest 1min Banded plank 1min rest Metcon: 0-3min 3 rounds 3 pull up 6 push up 9 air...
CrossFit INI
22. 10. 2019
WOD 23102019
Weightlifting: Carry odd objects (sandbag/powerbag/kettlebells in suitcase/front rack position,...) Amrap 10 Shutlle...
CrossFit INI
22. 10. 2019
WOD 22102019
Weightlifting: EMOM 12 Switch sides each interval 10x 1arm swing 5x Contralateral Lunges Metcon: Partner WOD Amrap 15 21x wall ball 15x...
CrossFit INI
22. 10. 2019
WOD 21102019
Gymnastics: A) TBT pull ups/ring rows B) Reverse TBT chin over bar hold/ring row hold C) TBT air squats D) TBT wall sit march Metcon: 75x...
CrossFit INI
22. 10. 2019
WOD 18102019
Weightlifting: E2MOM for 10 15x Hip thrust Metcon: EMOM 20 A - 45 sec of plank B - 45 sec of skipping (SUs or DUs) C - 45 sec wall sit D...
CrossFit INI
22. 10. 2019
WOD 17102019
Gymnastics: 3 rounds 30sec on / 30 sec off Adduction bias Side plank - left Adduction bias side plank - right Goblet position 1 1/2 split...
CrossFit INI
22. 10. 2019
WOD 16102019
Metcon: 10x 2:00 on/1:00 off 20/15 calories row/ski In remaining time Amrap of: 10x DB alternating Split Snatch 10x DB alternating Split...
CrossFit INI
22. 10. 2019
WOD 15102019
Weightlifting: A1) Bent Over Row 3x12-15 A2) Bat Wings 3x 6-8 (slow eccentric) Rest 1 min between sets B) Single Arm Landmine Row 3x 8-10...
CrossFit INI
22. 10. 2019
WOD 14102019
Gymnastics: 4 rounds 15 sec on / 30 sec off A - chin over bar hold B - tuck sit hang hold C - active hang Metcon: 3x 5min AMRAP / rest...
CrossFit INI
13. 10. 2019
WOD 11102019
Gymnastics: A) Chin Over Bar hang - accumulate 2 min TC 5min B) 5 rounds B1) hollow rock 15 sec 30 sec rest B2) superman hold 15 sec 30...
CrossFit INI
13. 10. 2019
WOD 09102019
Weightlifting: A) 3 rounds of A1) DB 3 point rows 12-15 per side A2) Seated filly press 8-10 per side 1:00 rest between sets B) 3 rounds...
CrossFit INI
13. 10. 2019
WOD 08102019
Gymnastics: A) reverse Tabata negative pull ups B) Tabata one arm ring rows C) body saw 8x 20 seconds on / 30 sec off Metcon:...
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